& Child Passenger Safety
Los niños expuestos a un aprendizaje temprano de alta calidad se traducen​ en la capacidad de un niño ​para crear una vida saludable y plena.
One-on One Car Seat Inspections
Schedule your appointment for a car seat inspection and education session:
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month
Appointments available 9 am-5:00 pm
Location: 1114 Yuba Street, Marysville CA 95901
A trained expert will teach you about car seat safety and check if your car seat has any safety recalls or is expired
Watch and learn as they show you how to correctly install your car seat in your car
Get step-by-step help with buckling your child in safely
Ask questions and learn about other safety tips during your visit
Go home knowing exactly how to keep your child safe in their car seat
Questions? Call us at 530-749-4877
Ready to Book? Make an appointment by clicking here.
¿Hablas español? Las citas con nuestro técnico que habla español son todos los miércoles. Haga una cita aquí o llame al 530-749-4877.
Car Seat Check-Up Events: Throughout the year, inspection events are held in various Yuba County locations. These "drive through" style events are similar to 1-on-1 appointments. Car Seat Technicians provide education, pre-owned car seats are inspected and new seats are given out on a case-by-case basis.
Check back soon for our next event date!
Car Seat Safety Tips
The best way to keep your child safe is to use the right car seat, the right way.
Here are some safety tips to ensure your most precious cargo is safely secured.
Buying the right seat: California law requires your child be in a rear-facing car seat until at least two years old. Best practice is to keep your child rear-facing as long as possible, based on the car seat weight/height limits. When your child has outgrown their rear facing seat, you are ready for a forward-facing seat. Get more details on buying the right seat for your child.
Installing the seat: You'll need to decide what type of system you will use when installing your car seat. You can choose either the seat belt, or the lower anchors to secure the seat. Both are safe, but unless specifically called for in your car seat manual, do not use both. It is important to use the tether in your child's forward facing car set. Get more information about installing your car seat.
Getting the right fit: A properly-fitted harness gives your child the best possible protection. Here is some more information on getting the right fit for your child.
Learn More
Kids spend a lot of time in the car. It is important to learn how to keep them safe.
There's a lot to know but we are here to help! Attend a check-up event, make a one-on-one appointment, or give us a call today.